Tuesday, August 16, 2005
The Rule
This is Cathy writing, not Alison, despite what the author tag says.
Julie from Portland, OR, kindly emailed us to let us know that lefty blogs like Pandagon have been discussing the Mo Movie Measure a film-going concept that originated in an early DTWOF strip, circa 1985. We were excited to hear that someone still remembers this 20-year-old chestnut.
But alas, the principle is misnamed. It appears in "The Rule," a strip found on page 22 of the original DTWOF collection. Mo actually doesn't appear in DTWOF until two years later. Her first strip can be found half-way through More DTWOF. Alison would also like to add that she can't claim credit for the actual "rule." She stole it from a friend, Liz Wallace, whose name is on the marquee in the comic strip, reprinted below.

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I took the meme to college, where my friends now say, "That movie didn't pass the Alison Bechdel test." I guess we should change the name....
I've used this rule several times, including on the feminist film community I co-moderate on LiveJournal, where I just posted a link to this explanation. Thanks!
I've heard this one before, but haven't had the discipline to follow it. Inga Musico refers to this rule in Cunt too (though this may be where she got it from). I've seen some variations which are saying that the female characters in question must have names - that makes it even more difficult.
Well, glad to see this here. It's too bad we can't call it the MMM anymore. We had a lot of fun with it over at Pandagon.
-- Karl the Idiot
-- Karl the Idiot
I'm fairly sure they'll be able to see "Serenity" (the Firefly movie) when it comes on the end of September. There's four women in it, with lots to talk about besides men! :)
I haven't seen a film this year that meets that standard. The last one that did was probably a Miyazaki film.
Well, I remember enjoying this strip and it's still true. I can't think of many films that might pass the test even now?
By the way, it can't only be me who sees a strong resemblance of the protagonists to Lois and Ginger?
By the way, it can't only be me who sees a strong resemblance of the protagonists to Lois and Ginger?
Yes! Yes! Yes! I heard this quoted around the time it originally came out, and have started discussions with/about it many times, though I didn't know until recently that it was from a DTWoF strip.
My life is complete now. :-)
My life is complete now. :-)
I've used this rule since reading it. I have two kids now, and it's even harder to find kids movies that meet the test than to find qualifying big person movies. However, it's suprising that sometimes a movie that has all the frou-frou of an anti-feminist movie actually ends up meeting the test in spades (and being loved by my 5 year old daughter). If you watch movies without having heard this rule, you would be perpetually confused I think. j
I just got here via Alas, a blog. They are talking about Serenity - and this rule in particular (as well as many other interesting things). So then I came here - and here's this post! In other news, I [heart] DTWOF and have exchanged various favorites with my sisters for years. So HI! *wave*
Actually, though Serenity is often cited as a movie with strong female characters, I'm not sure it passes the MMM. Unlike the TV series, I can't think of a scene in the movie that featured the women talking to each other.
There's no banter at the dinner table. There's no Kaylee and River playing jacks. Zoe never talks to River or Kaylee. Oh, wait - River talks back to her nameless teacher. :-(
As to Anonymous who asked How do you apply the rule if you haven't already seen the movie?
Good question. Do the reviews mention more than one female character? Do the credits show more than one woman? Does more than one woman get listed on the poster? Does the trailer show more than one woman?
There's no banter at the dinner table. There's no Kaylee and River playing jacks. Zoe never talks to River or Kaylee. Oh, wait - River talks back to her nameless teacher. :-(
As to Anonymous who asked How do you apply the rule if you haven't already seen the movie?
Good question. Do the reviews mention more than one female character? Do the credits show more than one woman? Does more than one woman get listed on the poster? Does the trailer show more than one woman?
Alison: I mailed you a check to support DTWOF, last March 16, 2008, check hasn't been cashed yet.
Sostenuto, I think so. Several of the Bride's antagonists talk about killing her, which I'm sure counts. That there are a couple of conversations about children (the first antagonist's child returning home from school, the Bride's pregnancy test) shouldn't count against it; the rule isn't exclusionary, I think.
Charlie Stross wrote a great article about The Rule. I had forgotten about The Rule... it's been far too long since I've read the DTWOF compilations. In any case, thanks for the memories.
Am i the only one who realises that you have to see a film to work out whether or not it satisfies the rules?
I guess lots of chick flicks count. How LONG do they have to talk about something besides a man? Stuff like In Her Shoes would pass (I saw it on a plane, ok?!) All the other things I can think of that pass, the two women are talking about Family. Oh wait, Calamity Jane passes - Doris' Calamity and the other woman talk about Housework! Hoorah!
What if the monster is male? Then... you can't even see Alien!
What if the monster is male? Then... you can't even see Alien!
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moms i would like to fuck -
more gonzo -
my asian dreams -
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bikini banger -
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cam club -
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fuck her right -
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gag the babysitter -
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milton twins -
mommy loves cock -
moms i would like to fuck -
more gonzo -
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my girlfriend squirts -
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my panties are wet -
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my white dicks -
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she gapes -
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simpson twins -
smoking alone -
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spunk mouth -
spunk pass -
strapon sorority -
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suzanne winters -
swank mag -
swank pass -
sweet creampie -
tamed teens -
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young models -
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ann angel -
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kung fu whores -
lactalia -
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latina abuse -
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lestai -
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madison summersmagic blondes -
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masha star -
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porn access -
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pregnant freaks -
pride access -
private gwen -
puma swede -
punished gay -
real 8 teens -
real internet sluts -
real milf sex -
real rookies -
rectal freaks -
rectal rooter -
seductive wife -
sex effects -
sexxx drive -
sexy teen sandy -
she gapes -
sleeping tushy -
slut lickers -
smoking mina -
solo desires -
speculum plays -
sperm suckers -
strapon lesbians -
strip club exposed -
sweet georgia -
sweet sophie moone -
sydney moon -
taste of uk -
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teen brazil -
teen charms -
teen dreams -
teen stars magazine -
throated -
tiffany lee fisher -
tina doll -
tit anime -
titty paradise -
total super cuties -
trixie swallows -
tushy lickers -
tushy massage -
tushy school -
twistys -
freaky granny -
freaky midgets -
freaky milfs -
freaky tranny -
frenzie fuck -
fucking hookers -
gay gravy -
gay like girl -
gay porn access -
gays glory holes -
gays tales -
georgia adair -
ghetto gaggers -
gia marie -
girlfriend handjobs -
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good holes -
grandpas fuck teens -
guys get fucked -
handjob porno -
herself pics -
horny euro sluts -
hot wives and girlfriends -
jean swing -
joon mali -
jp 18 -
just dirty movies -
just sasha -
karups hometown amateurs -
karups private collection -
kate star -
kira dreams -
kung fu whores -
lactalia -
latent gay -
latina abuse -
leroys girls -
lestai -
lezbo honeys -
lez cuties -
licensed to blow -
lily koh -
little lupe -
lusty grandmas -
madison summersmagic blondes -
maniac pass -
martina dreams -
masha star -
matts models -
mean amazon bitches -
mean bitches -
met art -
milk my cock -
model teen world -
mommy loves cock -
my porn interview -
my xxx pass -
nasty adam eve -
next door amateur -
nicole star -
nubiles -
old bride -
older women -
old freaks -
only carla -
only melanie -
only swallows -
only tease -
only teen blowjobs -
open air pleasures -
oriental orgies -
paul markham teens -
pee and blow -
pee pee babes -
perfect lady boys -
pix and video -
planet of stars -
playful hands -
porn access -
porn pass for all -
pov freaks -
pregnant freaks -
pride access -
private gwen -
puma swede -
punished gay -
real 8 teens -
real internet sluts -
real milf sex -
real rookies -
rectal freaks -
rectal rooter -
seductive wife -
sex effects -
sexxx drive -
sexy teen sandy -
she gapes -
sleeping tushy -
slut lickers -
smoking mina -
solo desires -
speculum plays -
sperm suckers -
strapon lesbians -
strip club exposed -
sweet georgia -
sweet sophie moone -
sydney moon -
taste of uk -
teach me fisting -
teen brazil -
teen charms -
teen dreams -
teen stars magazine -
throated -
tiffany lee fisher -
tina doll -
tit anime -
titty paradise -
total super cuties -
trixie swallows -
tushy lickers -
tushy massage -
tushy school -
twistys -
ultimate fantasy girls -
uncensored clips -
ussr sex -
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vika dreams -
vip members -
vivid -
west coast gangbangs -
xxx films online -
xxx key -
xxx teen pussy -
yank my crank -
young xxx babes -
zoli boy -
ass parade -
1st lesbian experience -
4 ever models -
18 amy -
1000 facials -
1000 orgasms -
absolute kim -
adult doorway -
adult movie time -
alannah miles -
alyssa doll -
amateur creampie -
angie xxx -
anna marie anderson -
ann angel -
annas funhouse -
anti innocence -
asshole fever -
ass lick -
atm freaks -
bad tushy -
beaver bong -
big cock crew -
big dick girls -
bikini banger -
bio hazard bitches -
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bond anime -
border bangers -
brilliant xxx movies -
caged tushy -
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club sandy -
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creampie reality -
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cumshot central -
cute latina -
deep throat frenzy -
diamond pierce -
digital porn movies -
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erica star -
euro fuck trip -
facial abuse -
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fassinating -
female celebrities -
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footsie babes -
freak spankings -
freaky ebony -
freaky granny -
freaky midgets -
freaky milfs -
freaky tranny -
frenzie fuck -
fucking hookers -
gay gravy -
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gay porn access -
gays glory holes -
gays tales -
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jean swing -
joon mali -
jp 18 -
just dirty movies -
just sasha -
karups hometown amateurs -
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kate star -
kira dreams -
kung fu whores -
lactalia -
latent gay -
latina abuse -
leroys girls -
lestai -
lezbo honeys -
lez cuties -
licensed to blow -
lily koh -
little lupe -
lusty grandmas -
madison summersmagic blondes -
maniac pass -
martina dreams -
masha star -
matts models -
mean amazon bitches -
mean bitches -
met art -
milk my cock -
model teen world -
mommy loves cock -
my porn interview -
my xxx pass -
nasty adam eve -
next door amateur -
nicole star -
nubiles -
old bride -
older women -
old freaks -
only carla -
only melanie -
only swallows -
only tease -
only teen blowjobs -
open air pleasures -
oriental orgies -
paul markham teens -
pee and blow -
pee pee babes -
perfect lady boys -
pix and video -
planet of stars -
playful hands -
porn access -
porn pass for all -
pov freaks -
pregnant freaks -
pride access -
private gwen -
puma swede -
punished gay -
real 8 teens -
real internet sluts -
real milf sex -
real rookies -
rectal freaks -
rectal rooter -
seductive wife -
sex effects -
sexxx drive -
sexy teen sandy -
she gapes -
sleeping tushy -
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smoking mina -
solo desires -
speculum plays -
sperm suckers -
strapon lesbians -
strip club exposed -
sweet georgia -
sweet sophie moone -
sydney moon -
taste of uk -
teach me fisting -
teen brazil -
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teen dreams -
teen stars magazine -
throated -
tiffany lee fisher -
tina doll -
tit anime -
titty paradise -
total super cuties -
trixie swallows -
tushy lickers -
tushy massage -
tushy school -
twistys -
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1000 orgasms -
absolute kim -
adult doorway -
adult movie time -
alannah miles -
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anna marie anderson -
ann angel -
annas funhouse -
anti innocence -
asshole fever -
ass lick -
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bad tushy -
beaver bong -
big cock crew -
big dick girls -
bikini banger -
bio hazard bitches -
black bros white hoes -
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border bangers -
brilliant xxx movies -
caged tushy -
candi from the block -
catalina cruz -
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deep throat frenzy -
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dp amateurs -
dp fanatics -
dp freaks -
drunken 18 -
drunken bi -
drunken gay -
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emily doll -
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erica star -
euro fuck trip -
facial abuse -
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footsie babes -
freak spankings -
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jean swing -
joon mali -
jp 18 -
just dirty movies -
just sasha -
karups hometown amateurs -
karups private collection -
kate star -
kira dreams -
kung fu whores -
lactalia -
latent gay -
latina abuse -
leroys girls -
lestai -
lezbo honeys -
lez cuties -
licensed to blow -
lily koh -
little lupe -
lusty grandmas -
madison summersmagic blondes -
maniac pass -
martina dreams -
masha star -
matts models -
mean amazon bitches -
mean bitches -
met art -
milk my cock -
model teen world -
mommy loves cock -
my porn interview -
my xxx pass -
nasty adam eve -
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nicole star -
nubiles -
old bride -
older women -
old freaks -
only carla -
only melanie -
only swallows -
only tease -
only teen blowjobs -
open air pleasures -
oriental orgies -
paul markham teens -
pee and blow -
pee pee babes -
perfect lady boys -
pix and video -
planet of stars -
playful hands -
porn access -
porn pass for all -
pov freaks -
pregnant freaks -
pride access -
private gwen -
puma swede -
punished gay -
real 8 teens -
real internet sluts -
real milf sex -
real rookies -
rectal freaks -
rectal rooter -
seductive wife -
sex effects -
sexxx drive -
sexy teen sandy -
she gapes -
sleeping tushy -
slut lickers -
smoking mina -
solo desires -
speculum plays -
sperm suckers -
strapon lesbians -
strip club exposed -
sweet georgia -
sweet sophie moone -
sydney moon -
taste of uk -
teach me fisting -
teen brazil -
teen charms -
teen dreams -
teen stars magazine -
throated -
tiffany lee fisher -
tina doll -
tit anime -
titty paradise -
total super cuties -
trixie swallows -
tushy lickers -
tushy massage -
tushy school -
twistys -
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1000 orgasms -
absolute kim -
adult doorway -
adult movie time -
alannah miles -
alyssa doll -
amateur creampie -
angie xxx -
anna marie anderson -
ann angel -
annas funhouse -
anti innocence -
asshole fever -
ass lick -
atm freaks -
bad tushy -
beaver bong -
big cock crew -
big dick girls -
bikini banger -
bio hazard bitches -
black bros white hoes -
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bond anime -
border bangers -
brilliant xxx movies -
caged tushy -
candi from the block -
catalina cruz -
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deep throat frenzy -
diamond pierce -
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dp fanatics -
dp freaks -
drunken 18 -
drunken bi -
drunken gay -
ebony cum dumps -
emily doll -
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erica star -
euro fuck trip -
facial abuse -
fantasy girl brooke -
fassinating -
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footsie babes -
freak spankings -
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gays tales -
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grandpas fuck teens -
guys get fucked -
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hot wives and girlfriends -
jean swing -
joon mali -
jp 18 -
just dirty movies -
just sasha -
karups hometown amateurs -
karups private collection -
kate star -
kira dreams -
kung fu whores -
lactalia -
latent gay -
latina abuse -
leroys girls -
lestai -
lezbo honeys -
lez cuties -
licensed to blow -
lily koh -
little lupe -
lusty grandmas -
madison summersmagic blondes -
maniac pass -
martina dreams -
masha star -
matts models -
mean amazon bitches -
mean bitches -
met art -
milk my cock -
model teen world -
mommy loves cock -
my porn interview -
my xxx pass -
nasty adam eve -
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nicole star -
nubiles -
old bride -
older women -
old freaks -
only carla -
only melanie -
only swallows -
only tease -
only teen blowjobs -
open air pleasures -
oriental orgies -
paul markham teens -
pee and blow -
pee pee babes -
perfect lady boys -
pix and video -
planet of stars -
playful hands -
porn access -
porn pass for all -
pov freaks -
pregnant freaks -
pride access -
private gwen -
puma swede -
punished gay -
real 8 teens -
real internet sluts -
real milf sex -
real rookies -
rectal freaks -
rectal rooter -
seductive wife -
sex effects -
sexxx drive -
sexy teen sandy -
she gapes -
sleeping tushy -
slut lickers -
smoking mina -
solo desires -
speculum plays -
sperm suckers -
strapon lesbians -
strip club exposed -
sweet georgia -
sweet sophie moone -
sydney moon -
taste of uk -
teach me fisting -
teen brazil -
teen charms -
teen dreams -
teen stars magazine -
throated -
tiffany lee fisher -
tina doll -
tit anime -
titty paradise -
total super cuties -
trixie swallows -
tushy lickers -
tushy massage -
tushy school -
twistys -
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1000 orgasms -
absolute kim -
adult doorway -
adult movie time -
alannah miles -
alyssa doll -
amateur creampie -
angie xxx -
anna marie anderson -
ann angel -
annas funhouse -
anti innocence -
asshole fever -
ass lick -
atm freaks -
bad tushy -
beaver bong -
big cock crew -
big dick girls -
bikini banger -
bio hazard bitches -
black bros white hoes -
black cherrys -
bond anime -
border bangers -
brilliant xxx movies -
caged tushy -
candi from the block -
catalina cruz -
chicks on vids -
chubby freaks -
club jessica james -
club sandy -
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cute latina -
deep throat frenzy -
diamond pierce -
digital porn movies -
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dirty damsels -
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dp amateurs -
dp fanatics -
dp freaks -
drunken 18 -
drunken bi -
drunken gay -
ebony cum dumps -
emily doll -
emily sweet -
erica star -
euro fuck trip -
facial abuse -
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footsie babes -
freak spankings -
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freaky granny -
freaky midgets -
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freaky tranny -
frenzie fuck -
fucking hookers -
gay gravy -
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gay porn access -
gays glory holes -
gays tales -
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girlfriend handjobs -
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good holes -
grandpas fuck teens -
guys get fucked -
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hot wives and girlfriends -
jean swing -
joon mali -
jp 18 -
just dirty movies -
just sasha -
karups hometown amateurs -
karups private collection -
kate star -
kira dreams -
kung fu whores -
lactalia -
latent gay -
latina abuse -
leroys girls -
lestai -
lezbo honeys -
lez cuties -
licensed to blow -
lily koh -
little lupe -
lusty grandmas -
madison summersmagic blondes -
maniac pass -
martina dreams -
masha star -
matts models -
mean amazon bitches -
mean bitches -
met art -
milk my cock -
model teen world -
mommy loves cock -
my porn interview -
my xxx pass -
nasty adam eve -
next door amateur -
nicole star -
nubiles -
old bride -
older women -
old freaks -
only carla -
only melanie -
only swallows -
only tease -
only teen blowjobs -
open air pleasures -
oriental orgies -
paul markham teens -
pee and blow -
pee pee babes -
perfect lady boys -
pix and video -
planet of stars -
playful hands -
porn access -
porn pass for all -
pov freaks -
pregnant freaks -
pride access -
private gwen -
puma swede -
punished gay -
real 8 teens -
real internet sluts -
real milf sex -
real rookies -
rectal freaks -
rectal rooter -
seductive wife -
sex effects -
sexxx drive -
sexy teen sandy -
she gapes -
sleeping tushy -
slut lickers -
smoking mina -
solo desires -
speculum plays -
sperm suckers -
strapon lesbians -
strip club exposed -
sweet georgia -
sweet sophie moone -
sydney moon -
taste of uk -
teach me fisting -
teen brazil -
teen charms -
teen dreams -
teen stars magazine -
throated -
tiffany lee fisher -
tina doll -
tit anime -
titty paradise -
total super cuties -
trixie swallows -
tushy lickers -
tushy massage -
tushy school -
twistys -
ultimate fantasy girls -
uncensored clips -
ussr sex -
varsity teens -
vika dreams -
vip members -
vivid -
west coast gangbangs -
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xxx key -
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young xxx babes -
zoli boy -
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1000 facials -
1000 orgasms -
absolute kim -
adult doorway -
adult movie time -
alannah miles -
alyssa doll -
amateur creampie -
angie xxx -
anna marie anderson -
ann angel -
annas funhouse -
anti innocence -
asshole fever -
ass lick -
atm freaks -
bad tushy -
beaver bong -
big cock crew -
big dick girls -
bikini banger -
bio hazard bitches -
black bros white hoes -
black cherrys -
bond anime -
border bangers -
brilliant xxx movies -
caged tushy -
candi from the block -
catalina cruz -
chicks on vids -
chubby freaks -
club jessica james -
club sandy -
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cum drunk sluts -
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cute latina -
deep throat frenzy -
diamond pierce -
digital porn movies -
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dirty damsels -
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dp amateurs -
dp fanatics -
dp freaks -
drunken 18 -
drunken bi -
drunken gay -
ebony cum dumps -
emily doll -
emily sweet -
erica star -
euro fuck trip -
facial abuse -
fantasy girl brooke -
fassinating -
female celebrities -
females domination -
flexy pussy -
footsie babes -
freak spankings -
freaky ebony -
freaky granny -
freaky midgets -
freaky milfs -
freaky tranny -
frenzie fuck -
fucking hookers -
gay gravy -
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gay porn access -
gays glory holes -
gays tales -
georgia adair -
ghetto gaggers -
gia marie -
girlfriend handjobs -
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good holes -
grandpas fuck teens -
guys get fucked -
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hot wives and girlfriends -
jean swing -
joon mali -
jp 18 -
just dirty movies -
just sasha -
karups hometown amateurs -
karups private collection -
kate star -
kira dreams -
kung fu whores -
lactalia -
latent gay -
latina abuse -
leroys girls -
lestai -
lezbo honeys -
lez cuties -
licensed to blow -
lily koh -
little lupe -
lusty grandmas -
madison summersmagic blondes -
maniac pass -
martina dreams -
masha star -
matts models -
mean amazon bitches -
mean bitches -
met art -
milk my cock -
model teen world -
mommy loves cock -
my porn interview -
my xxx pass -
nasty adam eve -
next door amateur -
nicole star -
nubiles -
old bride -
older women -
old freaks -
only carla -
only melanie -
only swallows -
only tease -
only teen blowjobs -
open air pleasures -
oriental orgies -
paul markham teens -
pee and blow -
pee pee babes -
perfect lady boys -
pix and video -
planet of stars -
playful hands -
porn access -
porn pass for all -
pov freaks -
pregnant freaks -
pride access -
private gwen -
puma swede -
punished gay -
real 8 teens -
real internet sluts -
real milf sex -
real rookies -
rectal freaks -
rectal rooter -
seductive wife -
sex effects -
sexxx drive -
sexy teen sandy -
she gapes -
sleeping tushy -
slut lickers -
smoking mina -
solo desires -
speculum plays -
sperm suckers -
strapon lesbians -
strip club exposed -
sweet georgia -
sweet sophie moone -
sydney moon -
taste of uk -
teach me fisting -
teen brazil -
teen charms -
teen dreams -
teen stars magazine -
throated -
tiffany lee fisher -
tina doll -
tit anime -
titty paradise -
total super cuties -
trixie swallows -
tushy lickers -
tushy massage -
tushy school -
twistys -
ultimate fantasy girls -
uncensored clips -
ussr sex -
varsity teens -
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ann angel -
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masha star -
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angie xxx -
anna marie anderson -
ann angel -
annas funhouse -
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asshole fever -
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bad tushy -
beaver bong -
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bikini banger -
bio hazard bitches -
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masha star -
matts models -
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model teen world -
mommy loves cock -
my porn interview -
my xxx pass -
nasty adam eve -
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older women -
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paul markham teens -
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smoking mina -
solo desires -
speculum plays -
sperm suckers -
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sydney moon -
taste of uk -
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tushy lickers -
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1000 orgasms -
absolute kim -
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adult movie time -
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angie xxx -
anna marie anderson -
ann angel -
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bikini banger -
bio hazard bitches -
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diamond pierce -
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latina abuse -
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licensed to blow -
lily koh -
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madison summersmagic blondes -
maniac pass -
martina dreams -
masha star -
matts models -
mean amazon bitches -
mean bitches -
met art -
milk my cock -
model teen world -
mommy loves cock -
my porn interview -
my xxx pass -
nasty adam eve -
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older women -
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pee and blow -
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pix and video -
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porn access -
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private gwen -
puma swede -
punished gay -
real 8 teens -
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real milf sex -
real rookies -
rectal freaks -
rectal rooter -
seductive wife -
sex effects -
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she gapes -
sleeping tushy -
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smoking mina -
solo desires -
speculum plays -
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taste of uk -
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throated -
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tina doll -
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tushy lickers -
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twistys -
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angie xxx -
anna marie anderson -
ann angel -
annas funhouse -
anti innocence -
asshole fever -
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beaver bong -
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bikini banger -
bio hazard bitches -
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border bangers -
brilliant xxx movies -
caged tushy -
candi from the block -
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freak spankings -
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kate star -
kira dreams -
kung fu whores -
lactalia -
latent gay -
latina abuse -
leroys girls -
lestai -
lezbo honeys -
lez cuties -
licensed to blow -
lily koh -
little lupe -
lusty grandmas -
madison summersmagic blondes -
maniac pass -
martina dreams -
masha star -
matts models -
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mean bitches -
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